Marines for 911 truth - WAR economics
Marines For 9/11 Truth
9/11 Truthers,
First off, thank you all, for what I learned of each person's bold responsibilities they have taken for this movement. I have nothing but gratitude for everyone.
May 11th was a great beginning for me, and I look forward to much more. It was great to experience a team that held my back while service member after service member tried their best to attack us. Each person who approached with negativity was ushered away by facts, and personal responsibilities. I've never actually been so proud of a group of people I had never met. I purposely pushed the envelope by wearing my uniform, knowing that I was still under contract of the Marine Corps' IRR. But it was a statement that had to be made, and I look forward to making it again.
Something that I wanted you all to know is the reactions I recieved from every astonished service member after they calmed down. The first person to walk up and tell me this movement would leave a black mark on my life, later admitted that he agreed with more of our beliefs than he could admit. (Air Force Officer) The second Marine simply told me "you can't do this yet." ...yet. The third Marine took my number and later called me with two other Marine Corps Officers to inform me that I was facing a dishonorable discharge, but also saying that I was an outstanding individual and more people needed to voice their opinions to stop this war. The fourth Lt. Col. actually gave me ideas to continue this march after three 9/11Truthers jumped down his throat in protection of our 1st Amendment.
Everyone did an outstanding job! Thank you very much.
I'll see you all soon,
Johnny Wave
Johnny Wave and Andrew on Truth Revolution Radio May 18 2007
Having served 4 years active duty from 2003-2007 in the Marine Corp and currently serving the rest of my 8 year contract in the inactive ready reserve I'm shocked at how suprised other 9-11 truthers are to see USMC Iraq and Afghanistan veterans join their ranks wielding swords of truth in this battle for our republic.
After raising my right hand and taking an oath to defend the constitution of the United States how can I turn my back on my country now at such a critical time? I've been sent to Afghanistan in search of enemies foreign, only to return home and locate some enemys domestic.
In a despicable attempt to paralyze the nation with fear in order to advance their one world government it's now obvious that the globalists plan has backfired on them. There has been and continues to be a mass awakening among the people, the enemy's propaganda machine has been decapitated by dedicated patriots in the trenches of the infowar, and the real terrorists tactic of divide and conquer has been shattered by scholars, firefighters, celebrities, survivors and victims families of 9-11, and citizens of all socio-economic, ethnic, and religious backgrounds coming together and combining their efforts to expose the true culprits of the 9-11 total inside job.
The new world order will be defeated. God bless America.
He will yet have to realize other truths.
"War is marketable. War pays, literally."
The 5 veto-members of the UN Security Council are the 5 largest arms exporters of the world.
The current system of measuring GDP is based on British method of determining national accounts to pay war debts, nations must adhere to these rules in order to have membership in the U.N. The system recognizes only money, i.e. everything that moves through the marketplace and has a cash generating value, therefore, there is no value to peace, saving resources for the future, unpaid work.
Who's Counting: Marilyn Waring on Sex, Lies, and Global Economics
"It is not an exaggeration to say that it is clearly in the interests of the world's leading arms exporters to make sure that there is always a war going on somewhere."
— Marilyn Waring, former Prime Minister of New Zealand (from her book, Counting For Nothing). [She never was prime minister, she was MP, not PM!]
by Major General Smedley Butler, 1935 .. A short book by US Marine Corp Major General Smedley Butler on how the US military makes war for Wall Street and big corporations.
Far from contracting, the number of countries in the nuclear capabilities club — USA, Russia, China, France, United Kingdom, India, Pakistan, Israel — is expanding, while the goal of nuclear disarmament has become a dead letter.THE US IS RENEWING THE NUCLEAR ARMS RACE
Some amongst the most heavily-armed countries, such as the United States, have even revealed plans to replace their aging nuclear weapons stockpiles with more modern and more deadly weapons. The Bush-Cheney Administration, for instance, announced:
• Last March 5, 2006, its plan for building as many as 125 new nuclear bombs [4] per year, from 2010 to 2022, while at the same time rather hypocritically assuring other nations that it is not seeking a new arms race.
• Last June 13, 2006, the Bush-Cheney administration also made it clear that, despite what the 1967 U.N. Treaty banning weapons of mass destruction from space says [5], the United States is going ahead with its plans to develop weapons for use in Outer Space [6], with the clear intention of asserting American dominance over this common property of all humankind.
If needs be, the Bush-Cheney administration will not hesitate to pull out of the 1967 Treaty, just as it pulled out of the 1972 Anti-Ballistic Missile (ABM) Treaty in 2002.
It is obvious, therefore, that a nuclear arms race is on the way, with very few checks in its path.
Turning to the world of CONVENTIONAL weapons [7], their production, their spread, and their use is even more endemic. Existing international conventions outlawing the use of inhumane weapons against populations — such as the 1980 Convention on Conventional Weapons (CCW) [8] — are openly violated, as the summer 2006 destruction of Lebanon by Israel vividly illustrated [9].
There are new efforts to restrict conventional weapons proliferation, especially in the developing world, such as the proposed Arms Trade Treaty [10]. Ironically, those efforts are being RESISTED by some of the developed countries precisely because they are the larger producers and exporters of armaments.
For example, on October 27, 2006, the vast majority — 139 — of countries represented at the United Nations voted in favor of an historic resolution to have the new UN Secretary General, Ban Ki-Moon [11], prepare a global Arms Trade Treaty for 2007. The aim is to introduce some much-needed regulation of the wide-open international arms transfer business, which currently fuels CONFLICT, POVERTY and SERIOUS HUMAN-RIGHTS VIOLATIONS in many DEVELOPING countries.
However, the main exporter of armaments, the United States, voted AGAINST the resolution. Indeed, the US was the ONLY country to vote NO. Another twenty-four countries abstained — among them large arms exporters such as Russia and China.
It can be considered a tribute to some of the European countries that are large arms exporters — such as France, Great Britain and Germany — that they SUPPORTED the UN resolution in favor of the forthcoming Arms Trade Control Treaty.
Realistically, to be effective, the proposed Arms Trade Control Treaty would need to be implemented by ALL of the countries that are large producers and exporters of armaments, and by MOST other countries.
The reason is simple: a weapons company that is headquartered in a given country with strict export controls can always circumvent those national regulations by manufacturing its weapons in a non-complying country. Even if every nation implemented it, the challenge would nonetheless remain of stopping the UNDERGROUND INTERNATIONAL ARMS DEALERS who do their ILLEGAL trade without requesting any export licenses.
The world's total international arms trade [12] has been INCREASING RAPIDLY. In 2005, it reached an all-time high in current dollars of $44.2 billion (from $38.9 billion in 2004).
The US is the world’s LEADING CONVENTIONAL arms-exporting nation [13], accounting for about 29 percent of all international arms trade. Last year, in 2005, the US exported $12.8 billion in military gear of all sorts, with about half of it ($6.2 billion) going to developing nations.
The other leading arms-exporting nations last year were FRANCE (second with $7.9 billion in total arms sales) and RUSSIA (third with $7.4 billion in total sales). The UNITED KINGDOM and CHINA came in fourth and fifth, with $2.8 and $2.1 billion in arms exports in 2005.
If one adds together the 25 countries of Western Europe, they surpass the US in trade of armaments, with about 44 percent of total arms exports in 2005. The other two non-Western countries, Russia and China, are respectively responsible for about 17 percent and 5 percent of total world arms exports.
Such a large-scale trade in armaments [14] has the expected NEGATIVE consequences of: fueling regional conflicts; solidifying undemocratic and abusive regimes; and increasing poverty in countries that are already poor.
But is it realistic to want to reduce arms exports without at the same time attempting to reduce military production? Probably not because
The Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) [15] has estimated that total world military expenditures [16] —- which had been falling from 1991 to 1996—are once again on the rise, especially since 2001. For instance, total world military expenditures amounted to $1.118 TRILLION in current dollars in 2005, which is 2.5 percent of total world economic production, or about $173 per capita. This means that for every person on the globe, nations are spending $173 annually on weaponry instead of on food, clothing, or housing.
The USA alone [17] is responsible for close to half — 48% in 2005 — of all the military expenditures in the world. This means the U.S. spends as much money on its own military as the rest of the world combined spends on their militaries. Therefore, it is not too surprising that the US is also the largest arms exporter, and that many American industries are reluctant to loose such a lucrative business.
Fourteen other countries account for about 36 percent of global military expenditures, with such countries as Russia, UK, France, Japan and China, each spending about 4 to 5 percent of the total. In other words, the five nuclear members of the UN Security Council [18] — USA, Russia, China, U.K. and France — are also the world's largest military spenders. Therefore, it is only normal that serious global leadership on this crucial matter should originate from this quartet. Let us hope their prudential foresight will triumph over morally-blind greed.
Let's focus in on the topic of global warming and our energy problems for a moment, in case you haven't been keeping up with this topic. Here's an abbreviated summary of just some of the known environmental and energy problems we face in our lifetimes. (Portions of the text below on global warming were written in the fall of 2003, and therefore have now been overcome by events.)
The scientific community has consensus 1. Global warming is real and accelerating 1. Glacier National Park will have to be renamed No-Glacier National Park by the year 2030, since Rangers at the park estimate that the 26 remaining glaciers will have all melted by then (there were 150 in 1850) 2. Melting glaciers will cause water shortages worldwide 3, which will cause watersheds and mountains to dry up and die from the top down, starting at the higher elevations. We are currently in the 6th largest mass extinction of species in the history of the Earth 4. Half of all plants on Earth face extinction this century 5. One third of all amphibians, One quarter of all mammals 6, and one eighth of all birds 7 also face extinction this century. In the past 50 years, the populations of every single species of large wild fish have fallen by 90 percent or more 8. 80 percent of the antarctic krill are already gone.
Peak oil production for the world is projected to occur around the year 2010, if not before 9. There are no renewable resources that can come anywhere near to the energy bonanza that we've been getting from oil since 1850 10. Hydrogen is no solution because it's an energy transfer medium, not an energy source. When you hear hydrogen, they really mean nuclear power plants. Plus, hydrogen is extracted from methane through a process that requires a lot of energy. Also, methane, like oil, is another rapidly diminishing non-renewable resource 11. The so-called "green revolution" that feeds the world is based on oil 9. Edward O. Wilson 14, widely regarded as one of the world's greatest living scientists 12, states that the Earth is now in the balance, and he argues in his book, "The Future of Life," nothing less than the integrity of the planet and the magnificence of life itself is at stake 12.
These and other massive global problems facing humanity are not being discussed in public by the US corporate-controlled media, but you can be sure they're being discussed in private. Ask yourself who will benefit from the behind-closed-doors decisions that will be made on how the remaining resources of the world will be used, who will benefit, who will pay 13, and who will be shut out completely 15. Then ask yourself why electronic voting machines, which have been designed specifically to eliminate the ability of anyone to detect fraud, were forced on us, just in time for the Nov, 2004 selection.
A good summary of the problem of global warming was written by Maria Gilardin, founder of, in her article, "Apocalypse Now: How Mankind Is Sleepwalking to the End of the Earth" (Sept. 21, 2005).
Everything is at stake in less than one generation 16.
Note: The list below is merely a small sampling of references (only from the years 2000-2003) on these topics, and the text above sorely needs updating, but you get the idea.
1. 7/17/02, "Climate Change: Myths and Realities"
2. 9/1/01, "Glacial Retreat: Scientists Say Glaciers Are Melting at Alarming Rate"
3. 9/4/03, "Melting glaciers spell water crisis"
4. 5/21/02, "How one creature drives so many species to extinction"
A backup copy of this article can be found here...
See also... Spring, 2000 - "Species Extinction: A Human Endeavor?"
A backup copy of this article can be found here...
7/1/03, "Shadow of Extinction", by George Monbiot
5. 10/31/02, "World Plants Near Extinction Close to 50 Pct.-Study"
11/1/02 issue of the journal, "Science".
A backup copy of this article can be found here...
6. 5/21/02, "Quarter of World's Mammals Faced With Extinction"
7. 3/8/04, "One in eight of world's birds facing extinction"
A backup copy of this article to be added here soon...
8. 6/5/03, "Ocean's Bounty is Gone", by Bill McKibben
9. Dec, 2000, "Peak Oil", Colin Campbell
The one hour video of Colin Campbell's presentation can be viewed here...
10. May, 2003, "The Petroleum Plateau", Richard Heinberg
11. 8/18/03, "Why Hydrogen is No Solution - Scientific Answers to Marketing Hype, Deception and Wishful Thinking", by Michael Ruppert
12/2/03, "The Bottom of the Barrel: Oil is running out, but no one wants to talk about it." by George Monbiot.
12. 1/17/02, "Earth in the balance - could tilt either way"
13. 12/11/03, "Crimes Against Nature", by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.
14. "Is Humanity Suicidal?" by Edward O. Wilson
15. 8/5/02, "Sustainable Development is a Hoax: We Cannot Have It All. Unlimited desire is bound to destroy a world of limited resources", by Jeremy Seabrook
16. 1/9/03, "One generation to save world, report warns".
- ASPO 5 - The Two Distinct Paradigms within the Peak Oil Movement ( 14.08.2006
- Energy scnearious Ireland ( 18.12.2005
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- Greenfacts: Summary of the 1300 study (
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- Analyys Richard Heinbergilt ( Museletter 155 03.2005
- Minut: Teadmised surevad koos kaduvate keeltega (
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- What will we eat as the oil runs out? ( 25.02.2005
- Swedish researchers suspect Baltic Sea could be in worse shape than thought ( Helsingin Sanomat
- Richard Heinberg: Meditations on Collapse ( 15.02.2005
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- An interview with Brian Swimme on Pierre Teilhard de Chardin (
- 25.01.2005. Jooksvad uudised põlisrahvaste protestiaktsioonist naftafirmade vastu Sahhalinil - Pacific Environment (
- 25.01.2005. Tüviraku liinidel immuunreaktsiooni tekitavate loomsete molekulide saaste - BBC (
- "Growing…Growing…Gone?" ( by Lester Brown (Mother Earth Magazine)
- Bangalore Peak Oil Conference ( by Global Public Media
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- Current Situation & 2005 Projections ( by Dale Allen Pfeiffer
- Why peak oil date is set at 2007 ( 5 October 2004, Wellington
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- Wangari Maathai – Nobeli vastuvõtukõne 10.12.2004 ( Film ja tekst
- NPR: Interview with the Christopher Alexander
- Bill Moyers: Earth on Edge
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- Japan's sustainable society in the Edo period (1603-1867) (
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- The Community Wizard
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- The Long Emergency ( 24.3.2005
- True Costs of Economics (
- Adbusters: Biggest Ideas of 2005 (
- The long fingers of oil (
- NY Times: Powerdown ( 12.03.2005
- The lean economy: a vision of civility for a world in trouble ( David Fleming
- US report acknowledges peak-oil threat ( Adam Porter in Perpignan, France 09.03.2005
- Advances in Energy Studies: Energy flows in ecology and economy
- NG: Map links Healthier Ecosystems, Indigenous Peoples
- State of the World 2005 Trends and Facts — Security Redefined (
- PowerLess NZ: Peak Oil and The Sociology of Knowledge ( 2.2.2005
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