The Copenhagen Post
Monday, 21 September 2009 14:34 KR News
Court allows the publication of a controversial book containing details about secret military missions
Former elite soldier Thomas Rathsack has won the right to publish his book Jæger . i krig med eliten. (.Hunter . at war with the elite.) despite the military.s objections.
The military sought an injunction against the book which was due to be published this month. That prompted Politiken newspaper to publish the entire contents of the book.
Judge Bodil Toftemann, who presided over today.s case, said the security details provided in the book should not have been made available to the public, adding that the injunction would have been authorised had the book not already been published.
The publisher behind the original book, Jakob Kvist from People.s Press, was delighted with the ruling and would push ahead with the publication.
Despite not even being published in book form yet, Rathsack.s account of the actions and operations of Danish elite commandos has already provoked accusations that Danish soldiers broke the Geneva Convention.
One passage in the book that has caused particular controversy is Mr Rathsack.s description of an undercover mission where his unit was dressed in Afghan clothing while carrying concealed weapons . a breach of the Geneva convention.
So, by the thinking of our Defense Dept., does this mean that, if they had been captured, they would have been unlawful combatants not protected by the Geneva Conventions?
COMPARE http://u2r2h.blogspot.com/2008/08/cia-mi6-mossad-car-bombs.html
The book full text transcript download pdf word document
is HERE (on wikileaks)
Thomas Rathsack: Jæger - i krig med eliten, 16 Sep 2009
September 15, 2009
Danish book by former soldier currently under pre-publication censorship attack.
The full version will soon be printed by the rightful publisher, so there is no secrecy issues about it anymore. This early leaking was a strong point in the Danish courts decision not to forbid printing of the book, but is not necessary anymore.
See Ingeniøren and Politiken for additional detail, and see the courts decision: Information.
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Kan man holde på en hemmelighed ?
Af Poul-Henning Kamp, onsdag 16. sep 2009 kl. 10:28
Mens Thøger Seidenfaden står og svinger pisken over trykkeriet, er det værd at overveje de alternative scenarier.
Allerførst må vi bemærke at Thøger allerede igår annoncerede at han ville trykke bogen.
Man kan få et fogedforbud på 10 minutter hvis bevismaterialet er godt nok, forsvaret kunne sagtens have stoppet Thøgers stunt inden aviserne kom på gaden, al tale om snigløb er vås.
Det næste man kan undre sig over, er at forsvaret meddelte at de "om nogle dage" ville bede om et fogedforbud og lov til at ransage forlaget.
Jeg er sikker på at store dele af advokatsamfundet har nakkesmerter af at ryste på hovedet over dén fremgangsmåde.
Men lad os sige at Thøger var en mere authoritetstro mand og byretten imorgen havde nedlagt forbud imod bogens publicering.
Bogen var på forhånd udsendt elektronisk til anmeldere ved alle landets aviser mv.
Hvis der er noget der pisser bibliofile helt op i det røde felt, er det censur og bogafbrændinger.
Jeg vil gerne vædde en halv flødekaramel på, at manuskriptet var endt på wikileaks indenfor få timer af byrettens dom, hvis ikke inden.
Præcis lige som Kauptings kreative bogføring og den hemmelige liste af børnepornosite som blokeres af danske internetudbydere.
Eller for den sags skyld, alt det andet der lækker ud om Afghanistan.
Rent ytringsfrihedsmæssigt, har Thøger ikke gjort nogen forskel: værket var kommet ud under alle omstændigheder.
Editorial: Why we published the book.
We have chosen to print the entire text of the book in Wednesday.s edition to ensure and underline the public.s right to information.
Denmark is a nation at war
We took part in the Balkan wars already in the 1990.s and made a major and positive contribution.
Not least in taking part in NATO.s air war against Serbia and helping to save almost a million Kosova Albanians from death and exile.
Taking part in the Iraq War, without a U.N. mandate, was much more controversial and the soldiers were withdrawn when the involvement became unpopular in the United States in 2006.
The war in Afghanistan has widespread political support in Denmark, and a majority of the population supports a war that in many other NATO countries is meeting increasing opposition.
Even more people have respect and sympathy for the difficult job that Danish soldiers do under extremely dangerous conditions.
Military wants to ransack and question
The media . including Politiken . cooperates closely with the military and has full understanding for the considerations that have to be taken into account when Danish soldiers risk their lives.
We do not print operative information that can endanger military operations and we are thankful for the protection that Danish soldiers afford is when we cover the war.
In the light of this good and pragmatic cooperation it is even more regrettable that the military now wants to develop these reasoned considerations to include a general right to stop publications and information which the military, in a general sense, considers to be detrimental to national interests.
That, unfortunately, is what is happening in the case about a book written by a former commando.
The military is preparing an injunction against the publishers . an injunction upon which the Copenhagen Municipal Court will decide on Thursday.
At the same time, on behalf of the military, the Junior Counsel to the Treasury is seeking permission to ransack premises and to force the publisher.s employees to give evidence as to who is in possession of copies of the book.
At the same time, the Chief of Defence has written to the country.s media, demanding that we refrain from any further coverage of the book.
Encroachment on press freedoms
We cannot imagine that the Court will give the military the right to carry out such a blatant encroachment on the freedom of information and the press.
Irrespective, we have chosen to print the entire text of the book in today.s newspaper to ensure and underline the public.s right to remain informed . also when we are at war and when the authorities do not find it opportune.
We feel that we are thus doing our job, just as Danish soldiers do theirs when they carry out the tasks that the government has placed on their shoulders.
Translated byJulian Isherwood

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